Red Note New Music Makers

8 Apr 2016

Red Note was invited by Glasgow Concert Halls to undertake schools workshops in the manner of their long-running emerging-composer-development series Noisy Nights, for the UNESCO Glasgow City of Music Family Fun Day.

They partnered with Kings Park Secondary School in Glasgow, working with students who were taking Higher Music exams in the following spring. The key element introduced to the school workshops was a version of their 10-minute Composing Challenge from the Noisy Nights series. This involved handing out music manuscript paper to during the interval and asking whoever wants to write a piece for the ensemble in 10 minutes. A selection are then performed at the beginning of the second half.

The New Music Makers initiative addresses two key issues – 1) how to inspire and support composing/inventing with young people in schools and 2) how a professional ensemble working in partnership with a school can create a genuine, practical legacy, supporting a school to take the work forward independently.

Sessions were filmed with the aim of producing four short project ‘episode’ films demonstrating the processes behind the project. Here is the first of these films.